Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > father zebra finch died

father zebra finch died

23 9:57:42

hello there i really hope you can help me please, i'm at my wits end. i have/had a pair of zebra finches and had a clutch of four eggs which hatched two weeks ago today.all was going well or so i thought until daddy,charlie, died 4 days ago,which i'm still so upset about.he just started sleeping over a day or two then i found him dead in the nest.i held him and he was so thin.i'm so worried about the mother now.will she be able to raise 4 chicks at two weeks old?how can i help her?this is my first time doing this.i've read all the questions but they were all about the mother dying,not the father. what is the best food to give her? i have seed,millet seed,millet spray,an egg food she won't touch,i have a food for wild finches she seems to be eating some of that alright.i'm watching her feeding alright but she has lost weight,is it too much for her?can i help hand feed?will she still feed them if i help?i cant find a feed for zebra finches in any of the pet shops here, please help,i don't want to loose them

At two weeks, it will be a lot of stress on the mother to feed the babies herself. You will have to help out but be warned, you will more than likely kill the babies but if you don't help, you stand the chance of losing the mother as well as the babies. Unfortunately, I can't really teach you how to hand feed babies, you have to learn yourself. Pet stores sell hand feeding mix (powder form and you add water) that you can feed to babies.
I would pay attention to the mother to make sure she doesn't have what killed dad