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male zebrafinch

23 9:59:57

hello my finch has had two babies and i wont to no what kind of baby food i could put into the cage for them. And as i was having a look one of the eggs fell out and i caught it but it broke in my hand an the baby hatched  out so i put the baby  back into the nest is that ok or should i take it out-------------------------------------------
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hello my finches have had 5 eggs in a corner in my bird cage and made a really big nest but now they have pulled the sides out of the nest and all you can see is the bottom of the nest why would that be. should i take the eggs out and put them in with the other finches that are nesting.

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hey um is it safe vacuming your bird cage out if your finches are breeding and what r sum safe plance u can feed them
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um what  r some signs showing when zebrafinches are ready to breed

hello me again um now my white finch is nesting with my female what does that mean because the female has made a nest in all my peestraw and they are sleeping together so what does that mean

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well i just bought two female finches to put in woth my two male and all they do is peck each other and like chace each other all around the cage so how could i stop this and when do u know when your finch is ready to breed
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If i have two male and one female finch is it unhealthy, because my resent female died.

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Not that I am aware of. One male may no be happy because from what I understand zebra finches mate for life but am not entirely sure.
If I were you, I would get another female for the other male but that's just because the male might get lonely. Otherwise I don't see the problem in two males and one female, besides fighting during courtship. Keep an eye on them during courtship just to make sure that the two males don't hurt eachother.

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So are the males or females chasing eachother?
If it is the males, are they making hissing type noises? If so, a male is chasing the other male away from his female.
Females will do the same but I am not sure about the hissing.
When they are getting close to breeding, the pair will gather whatever they can find for nesting material and keep it in a corner of the cage or in their food dish (best to put in some fabric or leather. Stay away from store nesting materials as they are often made of cotton or string; both that are hzardous to baby finches). When they do this, best to get them an outer nest you can get at any pet store. Finches prefer the full ones over the cup ones. Best to put the nest up in the highest corner opposite of the food dish but near a perch the pair use at night (best to also have something to catch the babies as they sometimes fall).
The male will also to start to sing more as a high pitched whining sound when he is courting a female.
It sounds like you have a pair. They will often sleep together on perches until the nest is just the way they like it. Nothing is wrong with this just sit back and watch love of another species for finches mate for life.
Well are they courting? That would invove the pair looking for nesting materialand looking for a nest
I would not recommend vacumming the cage. When you says plance, do you mean plants?
So are the eggs in danger of falling?
If so I would first recommend that you repair the bottom of the nest and if the birds keep doing that, move the eggs to the other cage just to be safe but watch those birds as well to make sure they are taking care of the eggs.
If those birds do not care for the eggs I suggest getting a pair of society finches (make sure they are the foster parent types. I am not sure but I think that the Common Society Finch that does the foster parenting)to care for the eggs. Society Finches are very social and go well with other passive birds but best not to get more than two because of how social they are

First of all, good job catching it. Best to leave it in the nest.
As for what type of food, remember the parents first regurgitate the food in the babies mouths (yum eh?), for the food make sure you have a whole bunch of different types of food (all safe for the birds, it is important that the babies get a whole bunch of different foods (such as seeds, leaves, and grasses). From what I understand there is domesticated bird seed available for parents with babies the one that seems most recommended is Cede-eivoer.
Parents feed their young insects so their kids make sure they get enough protein in the wild, the parents would get them flying termites, flies, flying ants, beetles, ect.
One thing I suggest also is egg yolk for when the babies become active. What I have found is that meal worms work well for most finches.
So make sure there are fruits, veggies, insects (you can buy mealworms and such in pet stores. The babies do need alot of protein so also offer the parents egg food. If needed I can give you a recipe.