Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Zebra Finch losing feathers on back of neck

Zebra Finch losing feathers on back of neck

23 9:59:43

I read the reply to a simular question about finches losing feathers on the back of the head.  I have two female finches.  One is losing feathers on the back of its head and neck.  Could this be due to a bully finch?  There are only two in the cage.  Both female.  I haven't had them long.

Sounds like a bully finch or stress. Either way I would remove the injured finch into a quaruntine cage in a quiet area of the house. Keep the temperature in the quaruntine cage around 31C so that the female has enough heat (sick birds need heat just like humans).

Some birds just can't handle others (I have one Gouldian like that) and are best on their own. If she has been fine with the other female before I would not worry about this but would from now on keep the two seperate and get your injured one a new buddy when she is all better (preferably male).