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Putting Males Zebra Finches Together

23 9:57:54

We had two eggs hatch and survive - one is a female and one a male.  When it was time to remove them from the cage with their parents we did...leaving the two babies together in another cage.  It is almost 10 weeks - a time when I have read the birds will want to begin to breed.  We have since lost our mother bird and I was wondering if it is possible to put the male baby back in with dad so they have company and then purchase another female to put in with our baby girl so that we don't interbreed...or breed at all.

You can put a baby in with the dad to keep him company until you do get him a new girl. I have housed babies with fathers that have lost their mother and he showed no interest in breeding. Just get her a new girl but take your time to make sure you pick the right one