Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > female zebra finch killing males?

female zebra finch killing males?

23 9:58:06

Our femaile lost her mate in July. We quickly replaced with store bought male
and he was dead 8 days later. We purchased another male 7 days later and we
found him dead 10 days later. Is she killing the males?

I highly doubt it. The biggest killer of finches is air sac mites. The best way to tell if your finches have it is to hold the bird to your ear and listen for clicking. If there is clicking, your birds have air sac mites.
Air sac mites live in the lungs of birds and feed off the blood. They multiply very fast and slowly suffocate the birds.
There is an easy way to get rid of sac mites. It's called Scatt. It can be bought on the website provided. Follow the directions and your birds will get better.