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Finch seems unwell after egg-laying

23 9:59:46

Hi Megan,

I have a pair of finches and yesterday came across an egg in the bottom of the cage. It was cracked and so I removed it. Since then however, my hen has not looked herself. Her tail feathers are twitching which I hadn't noticed before and this morning I saw a clear/whitish liquid come out of her which didn't look like normal droppings. She has plenty of Calcium in the form of cuttlefish bones and apart from this has been acting her normal chirpy self. Any ideas what this could be as Im getting worried about her?



She could simply have more eggs. Females lay a few eggs over a number of days. If you are worried, turn up the heat in the cage (heat lamp works really well). The extra heat and lots of quiet time does wonders for birds.
I don't know about the white but my birds get it too and it doesn't hurt them any so I wouldn't worry about it too much.