Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > bird and cat

bird and cat

23 9:58:12

hi..we have a cat in the house and a finch also. of course the cat tries to get the finch; right now the birdcage is on top of the fridge. anyplace we put the cage the cat seems to be able to get to. do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to keep the cat away from the cage?  thank you much!!

I had a similar problem with my finches and my cat. The way that worked for myself was to put the cage in a room the cat isn't allowed (a bedroom seems best) and keep the door shut at all times. Should the cat sneak into the room, punish him as you would if he had done something else wrong (i.e. a squirt bottle set to stream). You can never have the cat and the bird alone together but the bird at least this way will be safe.
I've discovered that older cats show less of an interest in birds. My previous cat was around 12 years old (may she rest in peace) and showed no interest in the birds whatsoever. One escaped one time and sat right in front of her and she stared at it for a minute then fell asleep. So perhaps when the cat the is older it MAY be possible to have the door open but not before.