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Finches Baby not surviving.

23 9:57:41

Dear Megan,

As you informed earlier about the non-survival of the finch babies, I have move all of the finches in 2 cages with equal no. of pairs, 6 in each. Now what should i do so they may adjust fast and breed. Also tell me the precautionary measures so their babies will survive after arrival in this world. Your kind expertise in this regard is required.



There's not much you can do to make get them to adjust fast. Birds, like every other animal, take it at their own pace. You can stimulate them to breed by making sure that they have a lot of food and a lot of different kinds of food (make sure you know if something is poisonous to finches or not before feeding it to them). Having a lot of various kinds of food tells the birds that there is plenty to go around and now is a safe time to raise young.
Some measures to take for survival of parents and young:
1. Make sure you have a source of calcium (cuttle bone or supplements). You don't want mom to die of wind eggs
2. Make sure the food they have is VERY nutritious. Introducing eggfood (various recipes can be found all over the net) to parents BEFORE they start having young is a very good idea so as to make sure the parents feed that to the babies
3. When there are babies, take out all large seed. You don't want the parents to feed babies seed, their little bodies can't process it and it rots in their system, killing them
4. Plenty of perches are needed for when the babies are ready to leave the nest. Baby birds can't fly but learn how to hop quickly
5. Make sure the cage isn't too high. Baby finches die easily and do on occasion fall out of the nest
6. Make sure your cage is approximately 25C-30C. You don't want heat directly over the nest but you want the cage warm enough that if the babies are abandoned or fall from the nest, they stand a chance of survival until you find them
7. Get a pair of Societies (optional but recommended). Societies are excellent foster parents but make sure you get a pair from a breeder. Pet store Societies aren't as good of foster parents. This way, if the babies are abandoned, the Societies can take over