Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Finches losing feathers on neck

Finches losing feathers on neck

23 9:59:40

Hi Megan,

Thanks for this forum!!  I have two finches (sorry - don't know what kind) that I've had for about 3 years.  Recently one of them has lost all of his feathers on the bottom side of his neck (his chin area), under his beak.  When I first noticed it, the area was bloody.  The other finch does not seem to be picking at him, he seems to be rubbing his neck and beak area repeatedly on the perches.  All other activity and behavior is normal.  It's been several days now and the blood is gone, but it seems as if the feather loss is creeping up around the sides of his beak.  Any info that you can share will be much appreciated.



This sounds like the work of mites. The beak rubbing is the give away. If you want to be sure, soak the bird and shine a light through the neck so you can see the inside of the neck (be careful! Bird's necks are extremely fragile!) if you see the inside with a bunch of little black things, it's mites.
Do your best to find a vet that will treat mites. My own finches get Ivamek (not the correct spelling but I can't spell it but that's how it sounds) and it seems to work really well. If you don't know where to find a good vet, ask the pet store where you got them to tell you what vet they use.