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finch eye is swolen

23 9:59:44

dear megan: i have 2 females and 2 males, one of the males i just got it (like 2 weeks ago) the males always fight a lot and i just notice that one of his eye is weird, there is no feathers around and he kinds of winks all the time. you can tell is not good, like the eyelid is kind of down (i don't know how to explain it :() should i change it to another cage with his girlfriend until his condition is better? or what can i do?
thank you!

I would separate him fromt he female (incase it is contagious) but it sounds like an infection. Get his feathered rump to an avairy vet (one that doesn't prescribe stuff like rice water or anything like that. Obvious quack) for something to treat the little guy.