Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > HELP


23 9:59:52

I have an abandon baby finch that has oh about half of its feathers we have a bird cage at work with finches in it and this baby fell out of its nest we tried to put it back but it doesn't work the other birds were attacking it So I saved it and am going to try to care for it I know a little about birds but not how to care for one this small
right now I have it in a small container with a lamp over it not directly on the bird
What do I feed it and how often
Please help me
Thank You,

Hi Donna,
you can either go to the pet store and get baby finch hatchling food...they sell it in a can ,ask the employee...
Or you can make your own food:
hard boil an egg well,(about 10 mins)keep the hard boiled yolk and mix it with canned cat or dog food.  If you don't have canned you can sit dry food in water and make it moist and soft.
anyways mix this and feed it to the baby with an eye dropper,or anything small enough to fit into his mouth without hurting him. If you don't have a cat or dog,ask your neighbor for a couple pieces of dog only need about 5 pieces.
 After you make this food,put it in the fridge and cover will last 2 days.  Then make another batch till the baby is old enough to eat on it's own(about 8 weeks)
 Good luck to you...Elizabeth