Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > zebra finch cock plucks one chicks tail feathers..

zebra finch cock plucks one chicks tail feathers..

23 9:59:42

I don't know what to do anymore...I have four chicks and the parents take good care of them. The problem is that the cock plucks the tail feathers of only one chick...I would had tried to separate them but the cock is the only one that is feeding this chick. The chick is diffrent from the others...he is all white...What should I do? The chicks are a month old. And the parents are zebra finches the CFW type.

Have you ever thought about hand feeding this one baby? Of course that means that you would getting every four hours or so but many pet stores sell hand rearing foods. This may be your only option if you want the chick to live. I can offer one informative site on the subject of hand feeding.