Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Female Zebra Finches- Egg laying

Female Zebra Finches- Egg laying

23 9:58:21

I have two female zebras that are laying eggs. I was told that replacing their eggs with plastic eggs will stop them from laying. My fear is that if they keep laying eggs, it will affect their health. Also, they now are totally afraid of me and have stopped peeping. They just hunker down in their nest and gaurd their eggs. Any ideas?

As long as the female has all the nutrients she needs, I wouldn't worry about it. Also, one thing you can do instead of plastic eggs is just to refrigerate her own eggs for a couple hours and then give them back. This has the effect as the plastic eggs but doesn't cost anything. And don't worry about them being afraid of you. That will go away when they get used to you having your hand in their nest.