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feathers pecked by others

23 9:58:29

I have a female 8 month old zebra finch, I came about this little cutie due to a male and female she was with pecking out her feathers. The person I got her from had only had the birds for a short time and did not know if it was the male, female or both plucking out her feathers. She looks like a little vulture with no feathers on her head and lost quite a few on her back and under her back feathers. I have had her for 5 days, trying not to traumatize her, she has her cage, feeding dishes, a swing, and a wooden perch. I have been feeding her the mixture suggested. My questions are; what else should I been doing while she gets better, other foods? what temperature should her bath water be? Will she be ok without a friend with her and if not how long should I wait to get another? She flys around and seems to be getter better (more graceful. Thank you for your help.  

So I take it you have separated the two. You seem to be doing everything right. Just make sure her food has vitamins she needs. Also, if you're going to bathe her, make sure the water is filtered just in case. The way to test the water is to dip your wrist into it. If it's too hot for your, it's far too hot for your bird. I think luke warm to warm would be good. Room temperature is too cold.