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laying eggs

23 9:57:26

I have two pairs of zebra finches. One of the females is laying her eggs when she is on her perch and they fall to the bottom of the cage and break so they then eat them. How can I stop this from happening so they will lay them in there nest. There is nesting material in both nests. I can not tell which bird is laying the eggs, but it is evident in the bottom of the cage.

Chances are they've never seen a nest before in their life and so have no clue how to use them. You're going to have to get creative on how to get them to go into the nest. Once you've done that, instinct should take care of the rest.
One of the popular methods of getting birds into nests is putting spray millet inside. Sometimes putting nesting material in the cage for them to put in themselves will trigger the "nesting" instinct