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will zebras survive in the wild

23 9:58:44

We have an aviary outside, about 20 feet long and 8 feet wide.  There are almost 40 zebra  finches in there and all pairs have nests.
We need to get rid of them but hate to break up the families.  Would it be OK to just open the door and let them all go so that the families can stay together?  We live in southern California.  What if we took the nests out first and hung them in a tree? What if we put their feeders in the tree, too?  Would they smell their nest and stay around?  There are a lot of wild finches in the area.
Thanks for your help.

There is no chance of them surviving in the wild. You may as well starve them to death now. You are better off breaking up the families than setting them loose. If they didn't starve to death they would be killed off by other birds and predators.
There are plenty of online classifieds ads and I'm sure if you made it worth someone's while they would buy all the birds and keep them together.