Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Baby finches died

Baby finches died

23 9:58:31

Hi Megan.  My finches had 2 eggs in their next just over 2 weeks ago and yesterday I say a dead baby on the bottom of the cage and half an egg with an embryo in it.  I was quite upset about this.  Do you think the parents killed them?  I noticed that the male was going into the nest every night (he always slept in there anyway before the eggs came along).  Is it possible the 2 parents crushed the babies?  Can I do anything to prevent this in future.  They have a wicker type nest.  Should I buy a bigger one?

It depends actually on the type of finches you have for the type of nest you should buy. Zebras and Societies are good with wicker nests but birds like Gouldians should have a nest box.
The father may have kicked the babies out to breed with the female again. Males will do this from time to time. There isn't much you can do aside from raising the babies yourself.