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Zebra Finch Pecking at mate

23 9:57:45

Pecked Zebra Finch
Pecked Zebra Finch
Hi, I have two zebra finches, one male, one female. They successfully laid eggs and hatched two babies - the two fledglings died suddenly within a week apart with no visible signs of problems. The original pair started laying eggs again and yesterday the male kept going after the female and pecking her in the beak area. I separated the two. Why is this happening and do you think it had anything to do with the deaths of the other two babies? I have attached an image (sorry, not the best quality) of the female who has been pecked.

To me it sounds like he wants to breed again and she doesn't want to. This is unfortunately a problem. It is best to separate the two and use polysporin on the wound (just a little, you want to help the injury heal and polysporin is oily and difficult to get out of feathers)