Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > society finch problem

society finch problem

23 9:59:43

We had what we believe to be a mail society finch (Freddie) who was alone for quite a while, then we baught him a mate.  At least we believe they are of different sexes.

They seem to get along really well, but after about two weeks together he has started plucking out his own feathers on the breast next to his left wing.

Do you think this comes from the stress of a new partner, or some other ailment?  What can we do?

Thank you kindly for your service.


It could be stress but I doubt it for Socities are highly social birds. Turn the temperature in the cage to around 31C so he doesn't get sicker. Keep the cage quiet and add some toys in there (birds pull out feathers when they're bored).

Please forgive the lateness of my reply.