Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Shaft tail finches (wild)

Shaft tail finches (wild)

23 9:59:43

We have been so lucky to have finches nesting in a tree in our front garden - they are a delight to see and hear.  Two days ago we found 3 fledglings scurrying around on the floor. We put down some water and seeds.  The next day we could only find one who is still there today.  The parent birds have been checking on him and we think feeding him but we are concerned that he may not be able to fly although he has been trying.  Obviously we are worried about cats getting him.  We would be grateful for any advice.  I can't bear seeing him sat on a branch looking so lost.  Thank you.

If you are worried about cats, but some wire fencing directly on the trunk and put it over half way up the tree so the cats can't climb it. Larger birds are also a problem but I have yet to find a foolproof solution. You can try putting some large wild bird seed somewhere else for them so that they will eat the seed instead of the baby. Best not to touch the baby or else the parents might abandon it.