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cant check society finch nest

23 9:57:22

Hi Megan I've dealt with zebra finch & canary nesting/babies but I've taken in 3 Society finches & put them with my lone one.
Not sure who's male/female but they did build a nest & all get along great. All 4 sleep in nest at night & one or 2 are in it continually I imagine taking turns. Thing is, I'd like to check & see what's going on in there but same time don't want to bother them. 'If' there are babies, how could I remove a dead 1?
This whole situation has been going on at least 1 week. Thanks!


The only real way to check is to shoo one of the parents out of the nest and check. I have had to do this from time to time and the Societies usually go back because they're parenting is so strong that abandoning a nest isn't really an option (I've had Societies sit on eggs in another bird's nest).
If you REALLY don't want to risk it, just keep a REAL close eye on the cage and when they switch, take a quick peak and see if there are babies and if they're moving. Once you're sure there's babies, once they're old enough they'll start crying for food so all you'll have to do is wake them up (which is pretty easy).