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Baby Zebra Finch Died, After Moulting?

23 9:57:51

Recently, one of my baby zebra finch died. She's been acting very odd, she always was puffed up, and squatted with the eyes closed.. we moved her and her family to a different cage, and she stopped, but she started moulting, but after a few days, her chest was completely bald, the only feathers she had was on her wings and back. She was acting completely fine, she could fly fine, and she ate the food her parents gave her. But yesterday, we found her laying on the bottom of my cage :'(. Did it have something to do with the moulting, or did she just die of a disease?

Molting can be very stressful for birds. If the birds lack the necessary nutrients it can become even more sore. I doubt it killed the baby. It sounds more like a disease but I'm unsure what it could be that could kill a bird, even a baby, so fast that there were no symptoms. It is more likely to be a disease than the molting. Unfortunately, I can't tell you since all the common diseases have symptoms. I suggest putting the parents in a different cage and washing everything in the cage in a water/bleach solution to kill whatever killed the baby.