Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > aviary


23 9:59:58

Hi Megan,
I am hoping to have a small outdoor aviary soon which will consist of an indoor shed area of about 8 feet by 6 feet with an outdoor flight of around four foot square.
I would like to have a few finches and maybe a few canaries to start with as these seem to be the easiest birds to manage. Can you confirm that these birds will happily live together and can you suggest appropriate numbers of each for an aviary of this size. As I have only kept housebirds before I am new to the outdoor aviary concept so I will probably have some more questions for you.
thanksfor the moment,

I am not entirely sure that putting canaries and finches together is a good idea.
Well every finche needs 20" of flying space. If I did the calculation right, you can keep a maximum of 22 birds.
Do be careful though and watch carefully the birds and the bird cage.