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Gouldian Finches attacking each other

23 9:57:49


We had 8 Gouldian Finches for approximately a year, and seemed to be getting on quite happily. They were in a large outside avery, about 10 metres long and several high and wide and always had access to food and water. We had a few newborns arrive about a month ago, and everything seemed to be fine. The finches had been in the avery with budgies, but once the babies hatched we separated them. Late last week we found one dead, and could not determine the cause of death. On the weekend we found two more bodies, one of which had blood on its chest. Today we came home to find only 3 remaining. We later observed the males fighting and behaving quite aggressively and in particular attacking the remaining female. We assume that the finches must have killed each other as we can not think of any other possible cause of death. We have now separated the female from the males.

We are obviously very distressed at the deaths, and would like know if you have any idea why the finches would be attacking each other, and what we can do to stop the remaining finches from killing each other?

Thank you

It sounds like the males want to breed and the female doesn't. It also sounds like this was the case for the other females and the males are fighting for the right to breed. Chances are that it is only one male causing all this trouble. The best thing right now would be to separate all three and only put them together when you can supervise them. While supervising, keep an eye out for the aggressive one and keep him separate from the rest permanently