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Moving fledgelings

23 9:58:19


I am caught up in a very big dilema now that my zebra finches had eggs (which hatched).

They are still in the nestling stage and i am very happy to breed my pets for the first time!!!! Unfortunately though, I have the two parent zebra finches, another society finch, and three nestlings which will probably pop out of the nest in about a week and a half or so, in a 20 inch cage!!!

Last week, i visited to a local flea market, where I found a huge aviary for 239$. I will probably end up buying it, but i am not sure if i can take the fledgelings (the second they come out of the nest), along with the adults, and introduce them to the aviary.

I read constantly that along with a shock like that, the fledgelings will be abandoned, and in the big aviary , can get injured because they are begining to fly. It is also a very tall aviary (about 5 foot 8), so if the babies slip off the perch, they can severely injure themselves or even die from falling.

Please help me in this problem!!!!
Thank you so much!!!!


Alright, so if I'm correct, your question is to whether or not movie the babies. The only way it's safe to move the babies is if they are OUT of the nest (of their own freewill) and have been so for a MINIMUM of two months. After two months the babies are independent of their parents and are able to be moved. the best way to avoid the babies dying from falling is by putting lots of perches in the cage but with a LITTLE bit of distance to give them practice flying. Make sure that they can still hop around though if they aren't ready to fly yet.
If you are going to go with the cage, please sterilize it before putting your birds in there. Flea markets are not known for their cleanliness and it would be a shame to lose your birds simply because you wanted to save some money.