Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > can babies be raised by one parent

can babies be raised by one parent

23 9:58:13

I have 3 zebra finches (a female and 2 males) that are being housed with 2 society finches in a high traffic area. i want to move momma and babies to a less visited room, but i'm not sure who daddy is. Is this ok? will the babies be alright or is leaving them in a (possibly) more stressful area better because dad is around?
these are the first babies and i want to do things correctly.

It's best to leave the babies where they are. You don't know who dad is and there's no guarantee that mom will continue to watch over the babies after they've been moved. Finches are fickle little guys and will abandon the nest if something in their environment changes. Since they had the babies, they must not mind the high traffic area. Birds that are stressed do not have babies.