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baby finches need help

23 9:58:09


Picture of male and fe
Dear Megan,
      I have had a pair of finches(the male is a zebra finch and i don't know what the female is)for a couple months now, today i noticed that there was an egg in their nest. I then went online to see what i need to do to take  proper care of the egg. I started to find allot of information on how the female will lay 1 egg each day. I also found alot of people saying that their birds died because their parents didn't feed them. I'm worried the same thing will happen to me.  what can i do to take proper care of my birds and keep their parents doing the same.

So first of all, the female is a society finch. While Zebras and Societies comes from the same family, any babies they have will be infertile hybrids. If I were you, I would not allow them to have babies at all. If you are sure you want babies, get a female zebra and a male society.
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about babies. You can hand feed them but it is difficult and you may kill the babies yourself. Any hand feeding formula bought from a pet store will do. The best way to feed it to babies is by using a small spoon or the tip of a filed down toothpick