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Finches Best Feed & Nesting.

23 9:57:51


Finches Pics
Dear Megan,

Good Day 2 U!

I would like to have an info from you regarding the nesting,  breeding & Feed of the finches. Right now, I have four pairs of different breeds and they are in the cage of 2.5 sq. feet with 1 pot placed for each pair. I am giving them a feed of yellow grains, sea shell and calcium bar. Yesterday night, one of the female has laid the egg on the cap of the pot. I don't know why she has done so. I putted the said egg in the same pot with the cotton gloves on my hand. Also be noted that we have now a days temperature of 15-18 Celsius in the night and around 20-28 Celsius in the night. Any thing which is necessary for their nesting and breeding as per the conditions mentioned above, please suggest. Attached pics for the species for your kind perusal. Also I have Zebra Finches along with the white one shown in the attached pic. Your kind suggestion in this regard will be appreciated highly.


Jahanzaib Bhatti

It could be that she just doesn't like the pot. Zebra finches have a tendency to prefer wicker nests that you can buy in the store. I suggest trying this and offering a variety of nesting material for them. The website provided has plenty that birds like and my own finches enjoy Timothy Hay found in the small pets section in Pet Stores