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soceity finch hurt foot

23 9:57:19

I have a finch that got the back part of her foot caught in her nest. I'm not sure how long she was caught but I got her foot out and it is swollen but no blood. She isn't putting much weight on it. I have put her in a small cage. Is there anything i can do for her to help her heal? How long should she be kept separated. We live in a very small town and do not have an avian vet around here. The closest one is 100 miles away. Thank you for your time to help me.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you or a vet could do. It could be broken but unless the vet is incredibly skilled, they can't wrap it. The best thing you could do is try and help her rest her foot. I usually do this by wrapping the bird in a soft piece of cloth and keeping her with me for at least an hour. They always struggle in the beginning but they usually fall asleep. This will help her foot rest and make sure she gets the rest she needs