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Baby zebra finches

23 9:57:45

A pair of my zebra finches have abandoned their babies.  I'm unsure how old the babies are but my best guess would be about two weeks or so.  I have read some of the similar stories from other people and will try to hand feed them.  I'm unsure though how often this should be done.  For the last day or so, I've been feeding them seed blended with water (consistency is a watery mush) - figured it would be easier to feed.  I will be heading to the bird farm tomorrow to ask for baby food.  I'm willing to hand feed but am wondering if I should leave them with people who know what they're doing?  I will try to send pics so you can see how tiny they are and maybe guess how old they are?

You can care for them on your own or you can leave them with people who know what they're doing. It's not impossible to handfeed finches but it is difficult and first timers often kill the babies by accident. When handfeeding babies, it is a good idea to feed them every couple of hours and make sure the temperature around drops no lower than 33C. Babies will often try to gorge and this is where a lot of first timers make a mistake. The babies will continue to gorge until they have so much food that they suffocate. The amount to feed a baby is one crop full half off each crop full