Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > HELP!: I have 2 pairs of Zebra finches and everything allways goes wrong.

HELP!: I have 2 pairs of Zebra finches and everything allways goes wrong.

23 9:58:52


My 4 Birds
I have 2 pairs of Zebra finches, one white and pied and the others are both normal greys. I brought my white and pied pair first, and tried to breed them not long after. However on about four occasions the eggs failed to hatch. The pair sat on them for more than 16 days but they never hatch. They are infertile.
After this I decided to buy a new pair which were normal grey. They laid fertile eggs but failed to feed the chicks, so they all died.

I have been told soooo many times that Zebras are prolific breeders but after about a year now I still have nothing.
It makes me feel sooo sad.
What should I do???  
Please help!

I'm not sure where that information came from really. I have Zebra finches myself and while the eggs are fertile, the parents don't raise any of the babies (and sometimes kill them if we can't get them out fast enough) so I find myself raising them.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as you giving them a proper nest, good food, and vitamin enriched food things should get better. I find that the nest they seem to like is a weaved nest with a top. Some say that zebras like the half nests but mine prefer the full ones.
Another thing that may stimulate them is to buy them certain types of nesting material. All my finches like sisal fiber (I don't know if you can buy it there but I know of a website in the States that sells it) and it's really interesting to see some of the designs they come up with for their nest