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How long do finches mourn?

23 9:58:45

My male finch died yesterday no warning symptoms or anything. I assume it was due to his previous owner not buying him another mate when she died about 8 months ago. I have had him for about 6 weeks all was good and I had just bought him a mate 4 days ago after discovering that he was not interested in a friend (male), he wanted a mate.
So I'm thinking in his being depressed state for so long took it's toll on him and his just passed. Now the issue is the new female I bought is really puffed up, sleeping in and out of the nest alot, eyes half open. Her eyes look clear when open. She is eating and drinking and not on the bottom of the cage. No picking at her feathers or beak wiping. So is she just mourning? She had really bonded with the male, they were happy immediately. I kinda panicked and bought her a new mate. She's okay with him and he snuggles up right next to her on the perch and she leans on him, she even lets him in the nest. She's still fluffed off and on tho. So did I jump ahead of things with the mate? I just didn't want to lose two birds back to back and kinda thot she would be distracted.
Thanks so much for any help!

Mourning in birds varies like it does with humans. Some it's longer and some it's shorter. You did the right thing by putting someone in with her. Finches are for the most part social little guys that don't like being alone. With a boy there with her, if it is depression, it will speed up the mourning process.
It may be depression but also may be that she's actually sick.  Just keep an eye on her and listen to her breathe every now and then (you're listening for clicking in her breathing). If you hear clicking she sac mites and needs Scatt (NO IVAMECH!). Scatt can be purchased from an american site called or
If she continues to act this way and she isn't clicking I suggest taking her to a vet just to be on the safe side. However, if the vet even mentions rice water, go to a different vet. Rice water in my experience does nothing.