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Finch Eye Infection

23 9:59:37

Hi Meagan:

My dad has an African Finch(yellow and black Green Singer)with an eye infection.  Under the advice of a breeder, we have been spraying its eyes with diluted witch hazel and Listerine for about 2 weeks now.  The redness has reduced a bit but not the swelling.  Under the advice of the breeder, we have now switched to polysporin eyedrops to see if that would work.  Please kindly provide any advice you may have for us that may help treat this.  Thank you.

The polysporin eyedrops are a very good idea. Once thing that might help is warm water and a CLEAN SOFT cloth (cotton works really good) and wash the eye GENTLY. Also using regular polysporin on the CLOSED eye.

I did one thing different from the eyedrops, I used eye ointment.

Also, make sure that your hands are clean as well.