Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Adapting a walk-in greenhouse into an aviary

Adapting a walk-in greenhouse into an aviary

23 9:59:55

Hi I hope you can give me some advice?  I can't afford to buy an aviary. I recently bought a 'walk-in' greenhouse which consists of metal and PVC thermal material cover, which I wondered could be converted into an aviary.  It would hold the large birdcage I have and if fitted with secure mesh wiring could give room to fly. I thought this material would suffice for the cold months and perhaps replace it with a lighter material to keep sun and wind out. I thought I could also add a nesting box and other accessories.  Am I being foolish? Do you have any tips on, if possible to convert, how it can best be achieved?  Thanks Marguerite

Wow! What a fantastic idea! I think I will do that next spring...No,you're not being foolish at all.  What kind of birds? Finches?
Just make sure you have enough warmth,and they'll be great in there.  Maybe you can put a light in there to add warmth for the winter?