Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Society Finch baby leaving nest

Society Finch baby leaving nest

23 9:59:52

I have an aviary.  It is about 7 foot high and 7 foot long. I have had two society finches that had a baby, just one.  It has all its feathers, so I am assuming it is a fledging, but cannot fly, walks around bottom of cage.  I am concerned to leave it there, but am also concerned that it may get hurt if it keeps falling from the nest.  The parents picked the highest nest, so the baby when it did fall, fell 7 feet to the ground.  What should I do.  This is my first baby.  Wasn't expecting any baby birds.  The parents are feeding him.  So he is being taken care of for now, but come night time, the parents will probably return to their nest and the baby will not be able to.

My suggestion to you is but the baby back in the nest but GENTLY it is a fragile little birdie. But to prevent it falling again, I would say set something like a net up beneath the nest that's about 2-3feet out from the nest of a super soft fabric.
Word of warning, the baby may not live and you may want to get the little guy to the vet if he survives the night.