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Zebra finches fighting

23 9:57:41


I have just purchased 6 zebra finches (3 males and 3 females. I have them in an indoor cage. The size of the cage is 110 cm high x 90 cm wide x 75 cm deep. I have put 3 breeding boxes in. I have been told that I should provide them with somewhere to sleep. I would have liked to have bred them but this is not a pre-requisite. They were fine for the first 5 days but now have started squabbling. The smallest male chases the 2 bigger males and the females are also fighting. Would it help if I took the breeding boxes out or not. Otherwise, any other advise would be appreciated.



You can try taking the boxes back out and that MIGHT calm them down. Zebras can be somewhat aggressive when they're breeding. What you can also try are some visual blocks; such as fake plants (like the kind you get at craft stores, just make sure you wash them first). This will sometimes work because it creates boundaries for the birds; they will have something to go by to separate their "territories".