Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Male zebra finch flew away leaving behind the female and three eggs

Male zebra finch flew away leaving behind the female and three eggs

23 9:57:13

Kindly advice on what I should do in this situation. Three days ago my male zebra finch flew away leaving behind his doting female and three eggs that they both have been diligently incubating for the past eight days. Now the female is depressed , but trying her best to  incubate  the eggs . Is it a good idea to get another male zebra finch to keep her company? Will it accept the eggs? Since I'm a novice in bird keeping, kindly guide me on the next step. My aviary is kept outside my home.  Thank you very much for the help.

I would not recommend getting another male at this time. I would recommend watching the female (without disturbing her too much) and possibly helping with feeding the infants should any hatch. The chances of another male accepting the eggs are low and there is a good chance the female won't let the newcomer anywhere near her eggs. One thing to consider is getting a pair of Society Finches. They are distantly related to Zebra Finches and make excellent foster parents (they have a habit of going into another bird's nest and sitting on their eggs).