Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Finch Hatchlings and Food

Finch Hatchlings and Food

23 9:59:41

QUESTION: My finches bred and my female laid 5 eggs. The first one hatched today! Do I need to provide special food either for the parents or the babies?

ANSWER: I would offer them more food and food with more protein in it for the parents. Pet stores should have food for rearing parents.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My finches laid 5 eggs. The first one hatched and I definitely saw a chick moving about. The next day the chick was no where to be seen. Another egg hatched about two days later but the chick was dead. (I'm looking into the nest when the birds vacate it using a flashlight.) Any idea what went wrong or how to help? There are 3 remaining eggs still waiting to hatch.

It sounds like they are eating the young (never heard of it befoer but hey, could be happening if they are no where). Is there anything around the nest or in the cage to show the possible culprit of their disappearance?
No matter what, if you want to keep the chicks that will hatch, take care of them yourself (remove from cage and put in empty fish tank or something (I saw a breeder doing this)). Get some hand feeding formula and if you need a link to a hand feeding site, reply and I will give you the link.