Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > Pecked Finch

Pecked Finch

23 9:58:07

QUESTION: My mom came home today and found that our finch looked hurt so she
took him out the cage and he was breathing heavily. He/she ( im not sure
what it is) looked as ihf they had hurt their leg and wing . I also noticed
that he looked pecked from the back of his head and in between the
wings . What can be done to help the little bird. Im worried that it might
die. :(

ANSWER: Is there another bird in the cage? It does sound like he's being picked on and would benefit from sometime away from the bully. You may have to get rid of the bully and buy a more gentle companion since most types of finches are social.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yeah there's three other birds . And this bird
was a young one because the mother layed
eggs like around 2 or 3 months ago . So
today i woke up and saw that the bird was
died already . But i thought that since it was
hurt yesterday to put it in another cage with
food and water but my mom got rid of the
one he had before.

Question: When a bird looks like it has been
pecked do you move it away ? Also since my
moms little diamond finches are next to this
other bird in a separte cage does that effect
in any way?

I'm sorry to hear that the bird had died.
It is best to move a bird being pecked at into a separate cage. It is better if you can find the bully but if you can't seem to find him, removing the bird being bullied works as well.
I would have to know the species of your finches to be able to answer that. Diamond finches are aggressive during breeding and best housed in pair separate from other finches. If you are worried, try wrapping three sides of both cages in a blanket. This will make it so they can't see each other and give the birds a sense of security.