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society finches laying eggs

23 9:57:37

Hi Megan, my name is Krystle.  I'm emailing you b/c  i currently have 6 finches, 4 gouldians and 2 societies.  They are all in a large cage together.   I don't have any nests in the cage, as my gouldians have not all completed their molt.  I've also never bread before.  I have large seed dishes in my cage.  2 days ago I found my female society finch sitting in the one seed dish, when she flew away there was an egg.  I didn't want to disturb it so i left it and replaced their seed and water and added a new seed dish so the birds would have enough food without bothering the egg.  This morning there was another egg.  Since I haven't bread yet, I'm firstly wondering what I need to feed these parents in order to feed the chicks, if they do hatch.  I've read about egg food and soaked seed, but i'm not sure where to purchase these, (I will continue searching).  Also, should i put my societies in a separate cage? Will the gouldians hurt the eggs or chicks?  And lastly is it okay for the eggs to be in the seeds?  I don't want to touch it and risk the parents abandoning it, but maybe they won't.

Thank you,

keeping the eggs in a seed dish is not a good idea. Put a nest in and leave the societies. Even if the gouldians abandon the babies, there is a good chance the societies will foster them. I find that the website has excellent products and even a "miracle meal" which is similar to eggfood