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Not feathering

23 9:57:58

I have raised gouldians, canaries, cordon blues, and societies for the past 7 years.  We have a large indoor aviary and usually our parents raise their babies until they are ready to leave the nest. I cleaned the aviary before Thanksgiving and two baby societies left...jumped out... of their nest.  They were not feathered, so I put them back. They continued to leave the nest.  Since it is a long fall, I put a nest on the bottom of the aviary for them. They go in and out of the nest and the parents have continued to feed them at the bottom of the aviary. They are learning to eat from by themselves, however they have never gotten their feathers. Since all of my other babies left the nests when they were ready to fly, I am not sure how long it takes for them to be completely feathered.  

I have hand raised a babies in the past when parents refused to feed them, and I can't remember how long it took for them to feather.

These babies fell out of the nest on Nov. 24, and I would guess they were about 2-3 weeks old when they fell, but I am not sure since I had other babies in another nest and they were all cheeping at once, so not sure when these were actually born.

Will they feather, or do they have a problem?

I highly doubt these babies are "jumping" out of the nest. It sounds like the parents are kicking them out. Is it possible to get a picture of the babies? That way I will be able to tell you if they will feather soon or the parents are pulling out their feathers