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Schnauzer breeding

18 11:58:41

i met a family a while ago that has a female schnauzer, and they noticed that I have a male.  I have never, and nor have they, ever bred dogs before, so we didn't know when the right time would be.  They had heard that they are most fertile after they are done being in heat, so they brought her over on her last couple of days being in heat.  I don't know if this is accurate because the female is acting as if she doesn't really want to mate right now.  Should we wait till her next cycle if she doesn't get pregnant this time?  And when are they most fertile?  is there still a chance of her getting pregnant even though she is almost off her cycle?

Hi Amy

Before you do ANY breeding you should have two things in place, a breeding contract and a Brucellois test.  

A female is most fertile when she's ovulating.  The number one reason a breeding doesn't take place is timing.

A female will come into season, starting with swelling of the vulva, then she start bleeding, after about 7 days it will taper off to a pinkish color.  If you are doing the counting method.  Start from the first day she started bleeding.  Typically between days 10 - 15 a female will be flagging and be ready to be mounted.  

She may need a couple of days to get use to the male if they aren't "friends" already.  

Good luck