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Sleeping pattern

19 11:44:04

My 5 month old Yorkie used to wake up at or a little before the sound of my alarm, which is at 4:45 a.m. But
lately he has been waking up whining at 3 a.m. I thought keeping him up later would help but it hasn't. It's hard on me because I have to force myself back to sleep before the alarm goes off but that's getting harder to do. What happened? *sad face*

Hi Jai;
That's hard to say.
He could just be lonely and want to be cuddled.
Have you considered letting him sleep with you?
There could be something he hears that disturbs him, maybe an alarm or something like car horns that are faint, but disturbing to him, because he either doesn't know what it is, or because it hurts his ears.
Does he just whin, and settle down after you pet him?
If that is the case, I would let him sleep on the bed.
If he gets scared he could cuddle close to you and go back to sleep.
He would feel safer, and that might stop the whining.