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Clippers - Not cutting with Combs?

18 17:38:14

Hello - I had a groomer that came to my home and after she moved away, I decided to try grooming my dogs at home (I have watched her many times).  I have 2 rescue Maltese (seniors - puppy mill rescues) that don't do well in cages - or at the public groomer and I won't leave them there.  I keep them in very short puppy cuts (about 1/4 inch on the body).  I purchased the ConairPro Dynagroom clippers (single speed), and they came in a kit with a #10 blade and multiple clip attachments.  I had the most awful time using this clipper with the clip attachments - I tried evry clip attachment, and it would barely cut through and kept snagging the hair.  My dogs were not matted and I brushed them prior to attempting the rough. Their hair was about an inch to an inch a half long.  So I sheared them down a bit first and then tried again with the clipper - no better luck. When I took the clip off to do the genital area, the blade cut like butter and worked very well, so I'm assuming the problem is with the attachment clips?  

I read that the #10 blade does not always work well with clips and that a surgical blade is much better for using attachment clips - is this true?  I also know there are blades that I can use without attachment clips - perhaps this would be the best choice?

And advice/tips would be much appreciated - I don't want to put my girls through this again!  Thank you!

Gotta tell you that brand is not what I would have recommended- it is just a wannabe. You won't see it in a shop- other than that you have the correct information about you need a better blade to go with the body blades.  But listen if you are keeping them short the real clipper manufacturers have a 3 blade that leaves a nice length and cuts through easily if they are as you say, matt free.
Oster, Laube, Andis are just a few of the reputable companies and tho they may cost a bit more - you get what you pay for.
Good luck- keep trying, it really sounds like you just need better equipment.