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Mini Jack Russel is sick

20 11:26:25

Thank you for responeding so quickly. It was food that she threw up. She does eat little rocks some times, I try to stop her. We live in the high desert and I put indoor/outdoor carpeting down so their feet won't burn. She was fine this morning swimming in her pool and playing. I will keep a calender, that's a good idea. My other two babies are fine, one is Roxy the mini doxy and Starman a white lab mix I rescued from the pound. He had parvo and I had to hospitalize him but he made it, thank goodness. I can't begin to tell you how much they mean to me as I could never have children. I also have 4 cats, George, Gracie, Tiki and Jackie boy.

Followup To
Question -
My Delaney is 3 years old and always been healthy but today she has been throwing up for about 20 min. I ran out and got some pepto pismo, she's resting but I'm worried. She was also peeing alot. Any ideas? Please help.
Answer -
Hi Linda
Oh My she might of contacted a severe Bladder infection which is totally treatable by a vet.
If u gave pepto, keep giving it 5 one tsp a day and if she clears up, she will be ok.  She might of eaten a small stone or a foreigh object she will pass, my new male from Germany was grate at eating our limestone in our long drive, would get diaherra, not eat, throw up and all that good stuff.
He finally grew out of that puppy nonsense even though he is yet a puppy that got old.
What was she throwing up, dog food undigested or what?  u did not tell me that is important for if it was dog food that is better for it just did not digest for some reason, put her on sensetive stomach science diet for a period to settle the stomach.  She is maybe peeing alot out of pain or fear of throwing up also?
Keep a close eye, keep a doggie calendar on her and mark the day this occured so u can refer back if it happens again.  
I have 9 German Shepherds and I keep a calendar and mark every day on each one of them good or bad, wormed, shot given, ate well, did not eat good, etc.  I mark down everything to refer back to so I can help to diagnose as I do NOT trust vets, they push too much meds for dogs that cause cancers, tumors, seigures, etc.

Kind Regards and let me know

I feel truly the dog will be fine offer Pedialite as its drink rather than water for a day or so.  It picks them up and please do not worry I truly feel it just ate something it should not have.
I know talking to you that u love your dogs as much as I do  mine.  I get up only because of my dogs as I have Arthritis so badly and crippled but they keep me going as I adore them so much and they know this.
Email me anytime at and I can only offer help that I know but being a vet teck for years gives me an advantae.

Kind Regards and do now worry