Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > can u tell me the breed.. i think its a bull terrier

can u tell me the breed.. i think its a bull terrier

20 11:18:28

My little spike :)
My little spike :)  
QUESTION: hello every one, I saved this puppy from a place where it was
being illegally breed for fighting, I have adopted him, i dunt
know which breed is this? his  weight is 2 kgs.. can you tell
me his breed?

ANSWER: He is adorable to say the least! Color not quite right for a bull terrier but what the heck- you're going to love him whatever he is, seems obvious to me.
You can do genetic testing if you are so inclined which would be more definitive. Kiss that little puppy face for me!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your reply. you are right i really love him.
it dose not matter what breed he is of. he is sleeping rite
now, but i will defiantly pass on the kiss as he wakes up.


ANSWER: My very first (and most surprising geographically) question from Pakistan! Wow- such a long way from here- isn't the internet incredible! I know nothing of Pakastani dog life - are there lots of dogs there? My understanding is that Islam does not permit dogs in the house- am I wrong? I would love to be educated- we hear so many different things from this side of the world. What kind of dog food do you feed your dog? Please feel free to ask me as many questions as you want.
I am not familiar with  your country's names so I am only guessing you are female. Do you do facebook?
Thanks for writing!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello,
yes internet is incredible and i take full advantage of it
so i do facebook and being a friend with you will be a
pleasure for me :) ( and my spike as well) :))  and there
are soo many dog owners in pakistan although there is a
crucial shortage of vets here, but thankfully more and more
colleges are opening. As far as permission of dog in islam
is concerened i m not a scholar but as far as i have
researched keeping a dog is not forbidden in Quran, although
some scholars do forbid it (dont know why) but for us
muslims Quran is the last word we should follow and i
couldn't allow this poor dog to be breed for fighting he is
so lovely and innocent he is my responsibility now and i
will take care of him on every cost. and yes i m a female
:)i have so many questions regarding his potty training, he
just wouldnt pee at the place i have fixed for him i have
put some sand on the place thinking that his natural
instincts may help him.. but its of no use, my second
question is that he is teething should i buy a teether for
him?? he loves to grab my shirt or pents in his moth and
pull it as hard as he can,, its so cute now, but it wouldnt
be so cute as he grows up

Dear Hina,
So glad you FB'd me! We can have some real discussions on there that go beyond dogs! As far as the questions you have asked in your follow up let me tell you that there are trainers on this site who may be able to help you further but these are the things I can tell you about terriers and their grooming.
1. NEVER play tug with a dog bred to fight in fact most terrier breeds.. NEVER! It brings out the aggression that is natural in it and you are soooooooo right in fearing the future of those actions in an older dog. It's bound to be a mistake. Let NO ONE do it. Stop it as soon as it starts. Under NO circumstances should he be allowed to bite your clothes. Firm NO! and replace the activity with something else like fetching a toy. As far as teething goes- raw natural bones are the best thing for the health of the teeth and gums, as well as the coat. There are so many chew toys on the market here for dogs to teethe on but my least favorite thing is rawhide chews although it is probably the most plentiful and available.
I am an adamant believer in crate training terriers. They can tear your house up in a minute. If you have a vet shortage there you don't want to be dragging him to the vet for bowel obstructions which is a common terrier problem because they swallow things whole which cannot be digested- underwear, plastics, the squeaky in toys, etc. Also when you let them out of their crates place him in the area you have made for elimination and then reward him for doing his business there. It may take a week or so but the real trick is continuity. 20-30 minutes or so after he eats, should be a good time to put him in his spot. If he doesn't go put him back in his crate for 30 minutes and try again. Make a huge fuss when he achieves success. Every time you let him out of his crate as well.
I congratulate you on your saving this puppy from the fight ring- I had no idea there would be this awful sport in a country such as your. It's disgraceful anywhere.
I invite you to talk to me about other subjects on FB whenever you have time.
Best of luck and look forward to talking with you more.
Let me know if you have a problem with the language.
warm regrds,