Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Cairn Terrier Yokie Mix - Fear Aggression

Cairn Terrier Yokie Mix - Fear Aggression

20 11:18:09

Hi, I am looking into adopting a dog, and I came across a yorkie/cairn terrier mix.  The foster mom says he is very mellow, quiet and cuddly-- exactly what I am looking for!  However, he snaps and growls at strangers.  I feel confident that I can help him overcome this fear by a) vocal interruption before his fear/aggression escalates and b) reinforcement with treats for being non-aggressive as strangers come closer.  With you experience with terriers, is this a common problem?  Is this a good course of action to help him overcome his fears?

Hi Danielle,
This is a somewhat common problem for small dogs. That being said, if the dog is going to be around children AT ALL, your training is going to take all your time and energy. Should children come at any point later the behavior may return. If you are certain your lifestyle can accommodate this personality by all means every doggie deserves a chance, but more than the 2 things you suggested, take a class and get this doggie socialized. You will have to spend every waking minute working with this little fella until he gains trust in you and he may never stop anyway.
Yes it can be a problem- do you want it to be yours? The goal in Rescue is not to have dogs returned if thing become difficult because it just compounds the personality so be very sure.
Good luck!