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cairn terrier mix grooming

20 11:18:10

cairn mix
cairn mix  
I am considering adopting a cairn terrier shih tzu mixed dog.  My research indicates that a cairn needs hand stripping, but a shih tzu can be shaved in a puppy cut.....I can't tell what her coat is more like.  I have had a beagle the past many years, and never have had a no shed dog.  I understand the cairn needs a lot of grooming...can you tell if this dog leans more towards a cairn or a shih tzu when it comes to grooming.  I'd prefer to be able to keep the dog in a puppy cut....if I have to hand strip the dog...I may have to pass...I just don't have that much time to spend hand stripping with a busy schedule.  Thank you for your help in advance.

Don't think twice about the cairn coat-there is no reason to worry. Go ahead and do a traditional puppy cut and you will be great. The dog will not shed and will look adorable once you start clippering. I would never strip a mixed breed  like that anyway.
Good luck!