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blue airdalesB

20 11:27:03

Hi. This still freakls me out. As you can see the mispellings on this. I use to be a lettercarrier until one day whiel delevering mail, I was attacked by 4 anim,als all at once. Two of these just happened to be airdales, a mixed one and the fourth one was a Beagle. They were very strong animals and worked together. I lost my health as they had almost killed me, which I still wish they had of. I was very strong at that time but have lost almost every bit of streangth because of the attack. I lost my family as shortly after my wife had emotionally left myself and our three young children. Even though with anyone entering anywhere around the property, all 4 animals would try to break through a big picture window in the front of the house. They would hit the window so hard, I was affraid they were going to break through and attack me. They did get through the front door however on October 5/87. They broke my nose, tore the skin on thwe left side ,snapped my head back causing damage to my neck, shpoulders, back,my knees,almost pushed my left eye right through the socket, making it hard to see, now having to wear glasses, I had migranes for about a year and a half straight, dizzy spells, nightmares which I stilln have, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which is just about killing me when ever I try to do anything about this, a big hernia, ulsers, fishers, problems with my bowels, suffer fr4om anxioty and depression and much more than that. When all this and more went in front of the Judge, even though I had warned Canada Post many times that "if they ever escape from the house that they would kill someone." I had even told all of this to the Labour Board , the Justice Dept., my Union, and even the owners, but it made no difference as the judge  tried to say that all of this didn't prove that the animals were dangerous. He had also stated that because I tried to defend myself, that it had only made the situation worse, he also stated that with all the training I had as a Postman, he said I should have handled the situation alot better. Everytime I try to do anything about this, it affects me foir long periods of time. I now also suffer from sleepapnea and when I go to sleep, I stop breathing as so I have to wear a mask and use a machine fort the rest of my life. I've had to get a bite plate made as when I start getting nervous and have nightmares, I clench my jaws down so tight it causesd migranes and is wearing down my teeth and putting my jaw out of place. Since they had finally found out about this and how to help with this problem, i have bitten through two biteplates and am now on my third one. Most times I have to wear this 24/7 and it doesn't get rid of the migranes but it does help to ease them a little. A supervisor at Canada Post had told one of the postmen I know that if I hadn't logged all the overtime I had woprked that Canada Post woyuld have helped me out and they would have fixed things up for me within 6 months of the attack. I know that animals put in this kind of environment get very aggressive and protect their territory as they are very territorial and would not hessitate to kill protecting their surroundings. They were also trained to protect the house and their owners. There is so much more that I casn show you and prove to you that all I say is true unlike Canada Post, their doctors and lawyers, the judge that made this decission, the Labour Board andf Justice Dept., the Union, and others involved. The Judge even had stated that there were discreptincees in the owners testimonies but he decided against me anyway. Do you know anyone that would be able to help me so I can help my children and not have to worry from month to month on making sure all our bills are o   paid. My children didn't even have a chance to get to actually know me as they were onmly 3, 4 and 1'0 years old when I had gotten attacked. This has affected all of us greatly and not one of my children has even gtot grade ten education. Now, my wson Jason,now 27 who had changed his name , I haven't seen or heard frerom him in about 7 or 8 years, and I don't know where he is, and we were very close, Sarah, 21, doesn't have anything to do with me and even though she lives only accross the bridge in dartmouth, it had destroyed our relationship and Kimberley seems to be avoiding me every chance she gets. When I call her on the phone, we only get to talk for a minute or two lately and it know seems like she is trying to avoid any contact me whatsoever. Before this, we were a very close family and did many things together. Now it doesn't even seem that we were ever a family. I loved all of them more than I can wexplain but it seems that the other half has helped to destroy any chance we will have of ever being close again.  Even after almost 17 years of trying to get justice, not only for myself but my children as well, these people that have totally destroyed our family might have well gotten away with murder because they had killed any chance we had of being able to stay together as a family. I now have no identity whatso ever. They still make me feel that this thing was my fault and that I still wish I didn't have the streanghth to fight them off and wished I hadn't tried to defend myself and should have let them kill me. I lost everything and I can't even help my children out. I heard that Sarah was working two jobs, Kimberely has a hard tinme to get a job and when she does, she has a hard time keeping it, after the attack, Jason got in trouble with the law, stealing at least one or more cars with a couple of his friends, he use to steal my motorcycle that I had owned before the atttack, even though it was locked up in our shed, he had even broke the lock on the shed door to gert at the bike and even broke the stearing lock so he could drive it as after taking all the medications, it not only made me numb but almost to the state of unconsciosness.I had warned him many times not to touch the motorcycley as i had to stop licencing and insuring it because I couldn't aford it and physically and emotionally I did not now feel safe even trying to drive it because of the physical and emotional condition I had found myself in. I am sorry about all the misprints, but I get screwed up everytime I find I have to deal with this. Throwing this out of court, especially at how great a magnitude it had affected many people and their lives was not any form of forclosure, only more punnishment. Canada Post had screwed me right from the start because if people knew that the reason they forced me to not only deliver there but also sent in false reports to WCB stating that I was disablede before the attack which was nothing but a lie. When I had found this out about a year and a half latter , I tried everything to get them to change it because it was nothing biut a blatent lie as the one that filed the workers accident form I knew from   when I was growing up and had played baseball together. They had actually refused to change and correct the forms they had sent to WCB to make me suffer even more. For months after the attack, Canada Post supervisors called me almost daily and as many as three times in a day to ask about my injuries, the doctors I was seeing, my treqatments, when was I going to return back to work, etc., etc. which they had failed to log in their reports to send to wcb SO i WOULD BE fully compensated which is still far from what I should be receiving. They did all of this out of revenge and to protect themselves against being sued themselves and being liable. They had cut my pay off about 4 times or more even though I was the breadwinner in the family and without any income, they knew sooner or later that I would lose everything I had worked my whole life for. The first time the Union helped me get my pay back and the other times they wouldn't help me and I had to get help from the MP at that time who was Ron MacDonald.  If it wasn't for his partner and himself, I would have been cut off my pay the second time and would have lost everything alot sooner. When I had to tell my wife that Workers Comp was going to pension me of on a partiakl perminant disability of $412.75/month and when it was going to happen, she left us two days before as when Feb. 1st/1991 or 1992 came and Workers Comp. started sending me $412.75/month Canada Post cut me off of everything else I was entitled to. Thewy knew what I was going to receive and so did the union but did nothing to correct the things they had done to us. They had found this very amusing as I had a mortgage payment of $1028/month, all usual utilities, gas and travelling back and forth to the doctors for treatments, trying to keep the children from actually starving, as there were many days all I had was water so I could make sure that the children could still eat. They would try to get me to eat with them so they would know if I was eating as well. I use to have to telln them that I would eat later as I wasn't hungry, or I had already ate and things like that. All these people should be held accountable for everything they had done to us so I need help badly and finally feel there was someone out there that had cared enough to give us help. Because the union was involved in what was going on, they wouldn't even pay for a lawyer to help and protect my rights. Why would animal  rights far outway the Human Rights that I and my family should have been entitled to, even morally, everything thewy had done to us was to punish me. They didn't have to punnish my family because I followed our union book as I felt I was supposed to do as at that time I had already been a shopstewert  for about a couple of years before the attack. Canada Post even tore me down lower to say that I wasn't very well educated which is a lie as well just so if the court had found the case in my favour, I wouldn't have been much of a person anyway so if the court I did find in my favour, the settlement would have been smqall and Canada Post would have set out what they wanted to do which was to state that I wasn't a valuable person in society anyway, which meant that I wasn't much of a person anyway. My whole life was very important not only to myself but my family, friends, etc. As I had stated earlier, I appologize for the mistakes and poor typing as my body now is full of austio aurthritus as well as austioperosis which makes it hard to do anything. This is all from the attack. As my father had wiorked for Canada Post for about 32 years and his health was failing, I think, because dad and I have the exact names that Canmada Piost may have used some of his reports to state that I had already been disabled befiore the attack. They had also stated that about 5 or 6 months after the attack I went back to work for 6 months and got hurt again which had also screwed up my workers comp but I didn't know this at that time as this to was just a blatent lie to punnish us even frurther.. I was using a tens machine after the attack for weeks at a time and because WCB had complained about the cost of the patches , jell, the machine, etc. I would try to keep the patches on for at least a week or more before changing them. From the time of the attack, I have been on at least 20 pills per day prescribed by doctors I had sceen for all of the damages that happened during the attack. I also ended up at the day Hospital and the Nova Scotia Hospital for help. the three month treatment had taken me about 9 months and I was still nowheere even close to being even just O.K. To help try to kill the pain, I have had 4 or 5 epidorals in my spine, at least 450-500 injections in my back, neck, shoulders, under my ribs in the front and the back, in my sides and in my knees, I had to have 120 accupuncture treatments getting anywhere from 4 - 12 needles injected every session in all these points as well as so many other traetments as well. I had to wear a neck brace for about 4 months almost 24 hours a day only taking it of to give my neck a little reliefe  an to stop it from completely siezing up. Our lives are still hell and I do not deserve to be treated like this out of revenge for me just doing my job. Please help me as I am still taking about 20 prescribed pills per day, trying to stay inside because I now am afraid when I go outside and if I hear animals even barking, I have nightmares, and my body becomes even more tense. I now also have been put on blood pressure medication and thyroid medication for the rest of my life. I never had any of therse problems before the attack. I had to be put on puffers as I had found it hard to breath, but themn this was replaced with a c-pap machine and other medications. I've had 5 knee operations to try to correct all the damage done by the attack, I've had one hand operation so far because my fingers were locking and I couldn't open it unless I used my other hand to pry it open and now I am having the problems in both hands and I have to see a sergion for that as well, I still cannot watch any TV with these kind of animals because it causes flashbacks, I even still freeze if I am outside and hear animals barking. I usually only go outside but as a rule do not go off the property unless it is with someone else or to go into the car. I am a person that had loved even living and having a secure job. I also loved delivering mail as I was gettingpaid for something I really enjoyed, meeting people,
being outside and getting paid for exercising which I enjoyed. These people made my life meaningless and had taken every joy away that I had in my life. I probably don't have much life left, but because of all they had put me through, I feel that I at least deserve to live out the rest of my life without having to worry about bills, my children, or anything else. The Post Office and the Justice Dept and Laboutboartd wouldn't even let me hire my own lawyer just to make sure that the things thqat thery were doing to me or for me were all going to be above board. After findingout about 12 years or so later that the Justice Dept lost my case, it didn't bother them at all. Mr. Wood who had represented me in this case, didn't even seem bothered that he had lost. After all of this they had done to me, I had asked Mr. Wood if they were going to take my case to the supreem court and he told me no but now he said I could hire a lawyer if I wanted to taqke it to the supreem court, more than 12 years after the attack, because he said we didn't prove that the animals were dangerous? and it would cost to much for the Justice Dept. to take my case to the Supreem Court. Even though I am very sick and he knew it and knew I couldn't afford to hire a lawyer to handle this case at the Supreem Court Level, I had asked Joel Pink if his firm would take this on but him not listening to what I was telling him just said that I couldn't afford him, Anne Derryk stating the same thing before I could tell her the facts, each of the other law firms had stated to me that it would be a conflict of interestwhere Canada Post had hired them in the past. When Canada Post gets in a jamb, I was told that they hire a different Law firm to represent them so they wouldn't be able to handle cases against the Post Office. They were hoping thAT I would have died before this, and I  think I will probably die by the time I get Justice, but I deserve it and I will ntryi to get justice right up until I die. I really need help with this. Is there any way you could help me please. Maybe you could supply the information  because you know how dangerous these animal would be when in a pack and become territoral and that they would do whatever it had taken, even if it was my life to protect the property and the owners. There is probably alot more that you can add to support my case and maybe help ,me to get a lawyer that deals with things like this and to make me feel important, at least to myself, get it to court and finally receive the justice any human does deserve. If you could or would like to get ahold of me you can e-mail me at the e-mail above or call me at 902 4460288 Thank you for your time and hopefully I will be able to share much more infoermation with you and you with me. george richardson. If you or a lawyer would wish to discuss this with me before allowing Canada Posdt to lie about things, or the Justice Dept., The Labour Board , the Union, the Court Judge, etc. please speak to me first to get the real truth.After Mr. Woood from the Justice Dept had lost my case in court, shortly afterward, he was not only the Justice Dept. Lawyer but now ids also a lawyer representing an insurance company, maybe the one he had lost my case with. It just seeems odd to me that a lawyer losing such an important case, even with an eyewitness that had observed the whole attack and pounds of doctor's reports to support everything I have said, he was still hired by an insurance company. To me it seems that this could have been some kind of pay-off for giving up on my case so they wouldn't have to compensate me and my family. There is alot more to tell and doctors reports to support all I have said, except the reports made up by the doctors hired by Canada Post and Workers Comp to destroy my case. I cannot raelly explain the horror I felt when I was attacked by these 4 vicious animals. At least they had gotten to live the rest of their lives out, why couldn't they have at least had the descency to do it for me. I look forward to hearing back from you. George   Again I am sorry for the errors because my hands and head hurt when I try to get Justice, especially for all that has happened.My hands also shake, making me sometimes hitting more than one key at a time. My computer isn't working well either and it will not allow me to fix the spelling errors so I have to leave the message as is.                    s.                                            s               p     uo    s  d      k;  ;      o         d                 r  .  6t    g     o           r

Dear George,
 I am sorry to hear of your dilema.  I know here in the USA we would of taken the dogs from the owners and would of had them assessed.  BUT most times dogs on an individual basis are fine.  These dogs were in a PACK situation and anytime you have that many dogs all at once they all feed off each other, making your situation an impossible one.
 Also in the USA we would of taken the dogs and most likely had them put down.  Even though that wouldn't help your medical at all, but knowing that these dogs would not be able to do that again. I surely hope that these people don't live in an area that have children close by.  If these dogs were to get out and kill a child then all Hell will break loose thats for sure.
 Hope that the postal service has taken steps to protect any other letter carrier delivering there.  Here in the States they would of made the owner get a PO Box so the carrier wouldn't have to deliver to that house or neighboring houses because of the risks involved.  I am sure if that were the case the neighbors would be asking these dogs to be disposed of.  
 I personally have no use for a dog that has done what they have done to you.  I would of had them put down myself so that nothing more would happen.  
 Again, sorry for your loses.  Perhaps getting a lawyer that has more power in this situation.  