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My teacup yorkie/pomeranian mix

20 11:23:36

My teacup yorkie/pomeranian mix is 10 weeks old and has not been potty trained.  How should I do this?  Also she will be stayin g home alone some of the time.  What should I do?

You can set an exercise pen in a spot where you ant him/her to go in the yard. Put the dog in the pen when you leave.  That way they will go pottie in one area of the pen and sleep and eat in the other end.  
At night when the dog is to be sleeping use a crate that is just the right size for the dog to stand up and turn around in.  Giving them extra room is not a good idea.  They can poop in one corner and sleep in the other.  There for not teaching them anything about bladder control.  
When the dog is out with you, use a leash so that you will be reminded to watch the dog closely so no accidents occur.  Don't wait for the dog to finish peeing bfore taking them outside when the dog does have an accident.

Hope this helps some......